DIFFICULTY: Intermediate - Advanced

VOLUME / TIMING: Moderate / Off-Season or lower volume riding period

PROGRAM STRUCTURE: 4 weeks / 3-4 Session each week: (2 Strength Sessions + 1 Core Routine that can be performed once or multiple times if you would like to add more volume to your training)

SESSION STRUCTURE: 45-60 minutes of strength training

EQUIPMENT: Barbell + Plates, Dumbbells (ideally progressive in weight light-heavy), Pull-up Bar, Exercise Bands, Minibands, Box or Bench, Swiss Ball, Suspension Trainer.

FOCUS: Progressive strength development for improving performance on the bike.





  • 1 ROUND: 30 SEC EACH
    1. Knee tucks

    2. Figure 4 pulls

    3. Flamingos

    4. Inchworm + Worlds Greatest

    5. Cat Cow

    6. Alternating Bird Dog Reach

    7. Prone T

    8. Prone Y

    9. Bridge Hold

    10. Bridge Pulse

    11. Full Body Rotations

    12. Cuban Press

    13. Hinge + Reach

    14. Airplane

    15. Cossack Squat

    16. Air Squat

    17. Alt. Reverse Lunge


  • 5 ROUNDS:
    1) Back Squat x 5
    50% / 60% / 75% / 75% / 75%
    RPE: 5/10, 6/10, 7/10, 7/10, 7/10
    2) PS ¼ Squat Jump x 2ea
    3) 9090 Hip Transfers or Alt. Pigeon Stretch x 45s
    4) Set-up + rest x 45-60 sec

  • 3 ROUNDS:
    1) Split Stance Bent Over Row x 6ea
    2) SL Deadlift x 6ea
    3) Alt. DB Bench Press x 8ea
    4) Child’s Pose Reach Through x 45s

  • 3 ROUNDS:
    25 sec on / 10 sec off
    1) Bear Kick Through - R
    2) Bear Kick Through - L
    3) Hanging Diag. KT - R
    4) Hanging Diag. KT - L
    5) Lateral Step-up - R
    6) Lateral Step-up - L



  • 1 ROUND: 30 SEC EACH
    1. Knee tucks

    2. Figure 4 pulls

    3. Flamingos

    4. Inchworm + Worlds Greatest

    5. Cat Cow

    6. Alternating Bird Dog Reach

    7. Prone T

    8. Prone Y

    9. Bridge Hold

    10. Bridge Pulse

    11. Full Body Rotations

    12. Cuban Press

    13. Hinge + Reach

    14. Airplane

    15. Cossack Squat

    16. Air Squat

    17. Alt. Reverse Lunge


  • 5 ROUNDS:
    1) Deadlift x 5
    50% / 60% / 75% / 75% / 75%
    RPE: 5/10, 6/10, 7/10, 7/10, 7/10
    2) Box Jump x 3
    3) Cat Cow or Alt. Hip to Hamstring Stretch x 45s
    4) Set-up x 45-60 sec

  • 3 ROUNDS:
    1) Pull-ups x 10-15
    2) RFE Split Squat x 8ea
    3) Split Stance Alt. OH Press x 5ea/ea
    4) Prone Lat Stretch x 45s

  • 3 ROUNDS:
    25 sec on / 10 sec off
    1) SL Bench Hip Lift + Rotation - R
    2) SL Bench Hip Lift + Rotation - L
    3) Push-up + Renegade Row - R
    4) Push-up + Renegade Row - L
    5) PS ABC’s - R
    6) PS ABC’s - L



  • 1 ROUND: 30 SEC EACH
    1. Knee tucks

    2. Figure 4 pulls

    3. Flamingos

    4. Inchworm + Worlds Greatest

    5. Cat Cow

    6. Alternating Bird Dog Reach

    7. Prone T

    8. Prone Y

    9. Bridge Hold

    10. Bridge Pulse

    11. Full Body Rotations

    12. Cuban Press

    13. Hinge + Reach

    14. Airplane

    15. Cossack Squat

    16. Air Squat

    17. Alt. Reverse Lunge


  • 2 ROUNDS
    40 sec on / 10 sec off
    1) Miniband Squat + Kick Back
    2) 1-Leg RDL + Overhead Reach R
    3) 1-Leg RDL + Overhead Reach L
    4) High Low Plank
    5) Flags

  • 3 ROUNDS
    45 sec on / 15 sec off
    1) Kneeling Balance + Diagonal Reach on Exercise Ball
    2) Knee Tucks
    3) Exercise Ball Hip Lift + Twist
    4) OAOL V-up
    5) Extension + Scaption Reach


Welcome to Week 1! This week, you’ll be working at a 70-75% effort level. Make sure you maintain good form while also hitting the correct tempo for each lift. Select weights that follow the RPE guidelines and allow you to execute the workout properly.

Before your workouts, check out the instruction videos for your movements. So, when it’s time to train, you’re ready to roll.

If you don’t have a piece of equipment used in an exercise, be sure to check out our equipment page for substitutions.




  • 1 ROUND: 30 SEC EACH
    1. Knee tucks

    2. Figure 4 pulls

    3. Flamingos

    4. Inchworm + Worlds Greatest

    5. Cat Cow

    6. Alternating Bird Dog Reach

    7. Prone T

    8. Prone Y

    9. Bridge Hold

    10. Bridge Pulse

    11. Full Body Rotations

    12. Cuban Press

    13. Hinge + Reach

    14. Airplane

    15. Cossack Squat

    16. Air Squat

    17. Alt. Reverse Lunge


  • 5 ROUNDS:
    1) Back Squat x 4
    60% / 70% / 85% / 85% / 85%
    RPE: 6/10, 7/10, 8/10, 8/10, 8/10
    2) PS ¼ Squat Jump x 3ea
    3) Adductor Rock or Alt. Hip Stretch x 45s
    4) Set-up x 45-60 sec

  • 4 ROUNDS:
    1) Split Stance Bent Over Row x 5ea
    2) SL Deadlift x 5ea
    3) Alt. DB Bench Press x 6ea
    4) Side Body Stretch x 45s

    30 sec on / 10 sec off
    1) Bear Kick Through - R
    2) Bear Kick Through - L
    3) Hanging Diag. KT - R
    4) Hanging Diag. KT - L
    5) Lateral Step-up - R
    6) Lateral Step-up - L



  • 1 ROUND: 30 SEC EACH
    1. Knee tucks

    2. Figure 4 pulls

    3. Flamingos

    4. Inchworm + Worlds Greatest

    5. Cat Cow

    6. Alternating Bird Dog Reach

    7. Prone T

    8. Prone Y

    9. Bridge Hold

    10. Bridge Pulse

    11. Full Body Rotations

    12. Cuban Press

    13. Hinge + Reach

    14. Airplane

    15. Cossack Squat

    16. Air Squat

    17. Alt. Reverse Lunge


  • 5 ROUNDS:
    1) Deadlift x 4
    60% / 70% / 80% / 80% / 80%
    RPE: 6/10, 7/10, 8/10, 8/10, 8/10
    2) Box Jump x 4
    3) Alt. Hamstring Stretch or 9090 Transfer x 45s
    4) Set-up x 45-60 sec

  • 4 ROUNDS:
    1) Pull-ups x 8-12
    2) RFE Split Squat x 6ea
    3) Split Stance Alt. OH Press x 4ea/ea
    4) Alt. World’s Greatest x 45s

  • 3 ROUNDS:
    30 sec on / 10 sec off
    1) SL Bench Hip Lift + Rotation - R
    2) SL Bench Hip Lift + Rotation - L
    3) Push-up + Renegade Row - R
    4) Push-up + Renegade Row - L
    5) PS ABC’s - R
    6) PS ABC’s - L

  • 1 ROUND: 30 SEC EACH
    1. Knee tucks

    2. Figure 4 pulls

    3. Flamingos

    4. Inchworm + Worlds Greatest

    5. Cat Cow

    6. Alternating Bird Dog Reach

    7. Prone T

    8. Prone Y

    9. Bridge Hold

    10. Bridge Pulse

    11. Full Body Rotations

    12. Cuban Press

    13. Hinge + Reach

    14. Airplane

    15. Cossack Squat

    16. Air Squat

    17. Alt. Reverse Lunge


  • 2 ROUNDS:
    40 sec on / 10 sec off
    1) Miniband Squat + Kick Back
    2) 1-Leg RDL + Overhead Reach R
    3) 1-Leg RDL + Overhead Reach L
    4) High Low Plank
    5) Flags

  • 3 ROUNDS:
    45 sec on / 15 sec off
    1) Kneeling Balance + Diagonal Reach on Exercise Ball
    2) Knee Tucks
    3) Exercise Ball Hip Lift + Twist
    4) OAOL V-up
    5) Extension + Scaption Reach


This week, you’ll be working at a 80-85% effort level. Make sure you maintain good form while also hitting the correct tempo for each lift. Select weights that follow the RPE guidelines and allow you to execute the workout properly.

Before your workouts, check out the instruction videos for your movements. So, when it’s time to train, you’re ready to roll.

If you don’t have a piece of equipment used in an exercise, be sure to check out our equipment page for substitutions.




  • 1 ROUND: 30 SEC EACH
    1. Knee tucks

    2. Figure 4 pulls

    3. Flamingos

    4. Inchworm + Worlds Greatest

    5. Cat Cow

    6. Alternating Bird Dog Reach

    7. Prone T

    8. Prone Y

    9. Bridge Hold

    10. Bridge Pulse

    11. Full Body Rotations

    12. Cuban Press

    13. Hinge + Reach

    14. Airplane

    15. Cossack Squat

    16. Air Squat

    17. Alt. Reverse Lunge


  • 5 ROUNDS:
    1) Back Squat x 3
    65% / 75% / 85% / 85% / 85%
    RPE: 6/10, 7/10, 8-9/10, 8-9/10, 8-9/10
    2) PS ¼ Squat Jump x 3ea
    3) Alt. Pigeon Stretch or Alt. Hip to Hamstring Stretch x 45s
    4) Set-up+ rest x 45-60 sec

  • 4 ROUNDS:
    1) Split Stance Bent Over Row x 4ea
    2) SL Deadlift x 5ea
    3) Alt. DB Bench Press x 6ea
    4) Cat Cow x 45s

  • 3 ROUNDS:
    35 sec on / 10 sec off
    1) Bear Kick Through - R
    2) Bear Kick Through - L
    3) Hanging Diag. KT - R
    4) Hanging Diag. KT - L
    5) Lateral Step-up - R
    6) Lateral Step-up - L



  • 1 ROUND: 30 SEC EACH
    1. Knee tucks

    2. Figure 4 pulls

    3. Flamingos

    4. Inchworm + Worlds Greatest

    5. Cat Cow

    6. Alternating Bird Dog Reach

    7. Prone T

    8. Prone Y

    9. Bridge Hold

    10. Bridge Pulse

    11. Full Body Rotations

    12. Cuban Press

    13. Hinge + Reach

    14. Airplane

    15. Cossack Squat

    16. Air Squat

    17. Alt. Reverse Lunge


  • 5 ROUNDS:
    1) Deadlift x 3
    65% / 75% / 85% / 85% / 85%
    RPE: 6/10, 7/10, 8-9/10, 8-9/10, 8-9/10
    2) Box Jump x 4
    3) 9090 Transfer or Cat Cow x 45s
    4) Set-up x 45-60 sec

  • 4 ROUNDS:
    1) Pull-ups x 8-12
    2) RFE Split Squat x 5ea
    3) Split Stance Alt. OH Press x 4ea/ea
    4) Prone Lat Stretch x 45s

  • 3 ROUNDS:
    35 sec on / 10 sec off
    1) SL Bench Hip Lift + Rotation - R
    2) SL Bench Hip Lift + Rotation - L
    3) Push-up + Renegade Row - R
    4) Push-up + Renegade Row - L
    5) PS ABC’s - R
    6) PS ABC’s - L

  • 1 ROUND: 30 SEC EACH
    1. Knee tucks

    2. Figure 4 pulls

    3. Flamingos

    4. Inchworm + Worlds Greatest

    5. Cat Cow

    6. Alternating Bird Dog Reach

    7. Prone T

    8. Prone Y

    9. Bridge Hold

    10. Bridge Pulse

    11. Full Body Rotations

    12. Cuban Press

    13. Hinge + Reach

    14. Airplane

    15. Cossack Squat

    16. Air Squat

    17. Alt. Reverse Lunge


  • 2 ROUNDS:
    40 sec on / 10 sec off

    1) Miniband Alt. Kick Back
    2) 1-Leg RDL + Diagonal Overhead Reach R
    3) 1-Leg RDL + Diagonal Overhead Reach L
    4) Side Plank + Knee Tuck R
    5) Side Plank + Knee Tuck L

  • 3 ROUNDS:
    45 sec on / 15 sec off
    1) Kneeling Balance + Rainbow Reach on Exercise Ball
    2) Diagonal Knee Tucks
    3) Hip Lift Hold + Twist
    4) SASL Deadbug
    5) Hamstring Curls


PEAK WEEK! This week, you’ll be working at a 90-95% effort level under tempo. Make sure you maintain good form for each lift. Select weights that follow the RPE guidelines and allow you to execute the workout properly.

Before your workouts, check out the instruction videos for your movements. So, when it’s time to train, you’re ready to roll.

If you don’t have a piece of equipment used in an exercise, be sure to check out our equipment page for substitutions.




  • 1 ROUND: 30 SEC EACH
    1. Knee tucks

    2. Figure 4 pulls

    3. Flamingos

    4. Inchworm + Worlds Greatest

    5. Cat Cow

    6. Alternating Bird Dog Reach

    7. Prone T

    8. Prone Y

    9. Bridge Hold

    10. Bridge Pulse

    11. Full Body Rotations

    12. Cuban Press

    13. Hinge + Reach

    14. Airplane

    15. Cossack Squat

    16. Air Squat

    17. Alt. Reverse Lunge


  • 3 ROUNDS:
    1) Back Squat x 5
    50% / 60% / 70%
    RPE: 5/10, 6/10, 7/10
    2) PS ¼ Squat Jump x 4ea
    3) Alt. World’s Greatest Stretch or Adductor Rock x 45s
    4) Set-up x 45s

  • 3 ROUNDS:
    1) Split Stance Bent Over Row x 6ea
    2) SL Deadlift x 6ea
    3) Alt. DB Bench Press x 8ea
    AR) Child’s Pose Lat. Stretch x 45s

  • 3 ROUNDS:
    35 sec on / 10 sec off
    1) Bear Kick Through - R
    2) Bear Kick Through - L
    3) Hanging Diag. KT - R
    4) Hanging Diag. KT - L
    5) Lateral Step-up - R
    6) Lateral Step-up - L



  • 1 ROUND: 30 SEC EACH
    1. Knee tucks

    2. Figure 4 pulls

    3. Flamingos

    4. Inchworm + Worlds Greatest

    5. Cat Cow

    6. Alternating Bird Dog Reach

    7. Prone T

    8. Prone Y

    9. Bridge Hold

    10. Bridge Pulse

    11. Full Body Rotations

    12. Cuban Press

    13. Hinge + Reach

    14. Airplane

    15. Cossack Squat

    16. Air Squat

    17. Alt. Reverse Lunge


  • 3 ROUNDS:
    1) Deadlift x 5
    50% / 60% / 70%
    RPE: 5/10, 6/10, 7/10
    2) Box Jump x 3
    3) Inch Worm to Hip Stretch or Alt. Hip to Hamstring Stretch x 45s
    4) Set-up x 45s

  • 3 ROUNDS:
    1) Pull-ups x 5-10
    2) RFE Split Squat x 8ea
    3) Split Stance Alt. OH Press x 6ea/ea
    4) Child’s Pose Reach Through x 45s

  • 3 ROUNDS
    35 sec on / 10 sec off
    1) SL Bench Hip Lift + Rotation - R
    2) SL Bench Hip Lift + Rotation - L
    3) Push-up + Renegade Row - R
    4) Push-up + Renegade Row - L
    5) PS ABC’s - R
    6) PS ABC’s - L

  • 1 ROUND: 30 SEC EACH
    1. Knee tucks

    2. Figure 4 pulls

    3. Flamingos

    4. Inchworm + Worlds Greatest

    5. Cat Cow

    6. Alternating Bird Dog Reach

    7. Prone T

    8. Prone Y

    9. Bridge Hold

    10. Bridge Pulse

    11. Full Body Rotations

    12. Cuban Press

    13. Hinge + Reach

    14. Airplane

    15. Cossack Squat

    16. Air Squat

    17. Alt. Reverse Lunge


  • 2 ROUNDS:
    40 sec on / 10 sec off
    1) Miniband Alt. Kick Back
    2) 1-Leg RDL + Diagonal Overhead Reach R
    3) 1-Leg RDL + Diagonal Overhead Reach L
    4) Side Plank + Knee Tuck R
    5) Side Plank + Knee Tuck L

  • 3 ROUNDS
    45 sec on / 15 sec off
    1) Kneeling Balance + Rainbow Reach on Exercise Ball
    2) Diagonal Knee Tucks
    3) Hip Lift Hold + Twist
    4) SASL Deadbug
    5) Hamstring Curls


DELOAD WEEK: We’re backing off load this week. Use these workouts to reset and get dialed in for another training block.

Before your workouts, check out the instruction videos for your movements. So, when it’s time to train, you’re ready to roll.

If you don’t have a piece of equipment used in an exercise, be sure to check out our equipment page for substitutions.